I try to be worthy of the existence
I was never meant to have
I try to make it mean something
Every time I’m knocked back down
Even when I’m told its all my fault
Even though I jumped in order to survive
I try and try and try to move up
Until my body burns and fingers stick
But I had to eat my boot straps today
And cannot pull myself out of the muck
I am still trying to rise up
To turn around and pull
But I see no straws to grasp
The earth slips through my fingers
My legs are numb and my arms are weak
From trying all day
I give it my all and my all isn’t enough
I haven’t proved myself yet
What I’ve given has proved to be useless
Not liked and unwanted
Every night I wish for tomorrow’s success
And I’m starting to worry it’ll never come
But I will still try
Because I refuse to drown