Suicidal Ideation and the Debt Ceiling

TW: Mental Illness

2 min readMay 15, 2023
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Suicidal Ideation and the Debt Ceiling”.
Black background. White text in the middle of the page: “Suicidal Ideation and the Debt Ceiling”. Image by author via Canva.

If you are living in the US you’ve probably heard about the looming deadline to raise the debt ceiling. About the devastating cuts the GOP wants to implement and the disastrous effects of a default. But what does that really mean for the people who will be affected by this?

I am one of these people and I would like to share my fears as a disabled person.

I have moderate-severe Bipolar Disorder 2, CPTSD, and Maladaptive Daydreaming. I’m currently waiting for my official diagnoses in Agoraphobia and Anorexia. I still suffer from flashbacks and am easily triggered. I cannot mentally/emotionally function without therapy, my mood stabilizer, and anti-depressant.

I have fibromyalgia, a heart closure, a yet to be diagnosed joint issue, and a history of seizures and stroke. I cannot physically function without my blood thinner and joint medication.

I’ve been waiting to get on SSI [Disability] for almost three years. I have no income whatsoever. I rely on SNAP to eat. I live with family and there is no way they can afford to pay all the bills, their food, and mine. And while my anorexia is planning on using this to its full advantage, the part of me that is trying to heal knows this will only make my demise that much quicker.




Written by AVG

I write as a means to heal. I hope my words can serve as a reminder, that we are not alone. That we all deserve to be heard and seen. [they/them]

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